October 2011

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Kentucky Personal Injury Claim: Elements of a Negligence Case (Part A)

When you pursue a Kentucky personal injury claim, you need to demonstrate that someone else’s negligence was the cause of your accident in Louisville. A Jefferson County accident attorney can help in not only establishing liability, but also collecting the evidence that will be necessary…

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3 Things You Should Expect from the Best Kentucky Personal Injury Attorney

When someone else’s negligence in an accident in Louisville causes you to suffer serious injuries, then you may be entitled to receive compensation. Your next step will be to find the right legal help. Knowing what you should expect from the best Kentucky personal injury…

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How the State Handles Reports of Neglect or Abuse in a Kentucky Nursing Home

When someone reports an incident of neglect or abuse in a Kentucky nursing home, the state has a protocol it follows to investigate matters. If you suspect that a caregiver isn’t treating your loved one with care and respect, Kentucky nursing home abuse lawyers also…

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Choosing a Louisville Personal Injury Attorney after an Accident (Part B)

If you don’t know someone who has personal experience with a Louisville personal injury attorney, then you could look into any reviews or testimonials provided by past clients. By visiting the attorney’s website, you can read about the perspective of previous clients and see if…

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Are nursing homes in Kentucky ever held criminally liable for failing to provide care to elderly or infirm patients?

A nursing home in Kentucky could be held criminally liable for failing to provide care to elderly or infirm patients. Abuse in a Kentucky nursing home could lead to serious injuries and the pursuit of a claim. You should seek Kentucky nursing home abuse lawyers…

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How common is nursing home abuse and neglect in Kentucky?

Nursing home neglect in Kentucky is more common than you might think. In fact, it appears that cases of this nature are on the rise. When your loved one has suffered serious injuries as a result of abuse or neglect, then you should seek a…

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