April 2013

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3 Serious Risks of Kentucky Dental Malpractice That You Should Know

Your dentist is not an oral surgeon and may not be performing surgery. He may not even be prescribing medication for you. However, something as routine as a dental cleaning, cavity filling, or root canal can result in significant complications if your dentist is negligent….

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Be Careful! Don’t Let Your Job Kill You, Kentucky Workers

Each of us goes to our job in Kentucky expecting to return home; not everyone, however, will be so lucky. According to Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA), a total of 4,609 people were killed on the job during 2011; this comes out to nearly…

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When You Think About It, Kentucky, Life Is Truly a Circle

If one lives a full life and dies in old age, life does resemble a circle. Think about it. When we are born, we are helpless—completely dependent on others for our care. Someone feeds us when we’re hungry, changes our diaper when we eliminate, and…

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How Long Can it Take to Prepare for an Emergency C-section, Kentucky?

There is a standard recommendation that no more than 30 minutes should pass between when the medical staff member notes that an obstetrical emergency exists to the first incision of a cesarean section. That sounds doable, right? I mean, how much preparation could it take?…

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Gone in an Instant: Wrongful Death in Kentucky

We often hear people say that life is short (tell that to a teenager sitting in a calculus class). What are some of the other admonishments to not let life slip away unappreciated? Live for today. Seize the day. Stop and smell the roses. Eat,…

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Kentucky Buyer Beware—Especially if the Product Is for Your Baby

It seems incomprehensible that a product made for children would be shoddily designed or manufactured, but it happens. Sometimes, these products cause children to get hurt or even killed. When it does, parents are naturally crushed, shocked, devastated: “If only I had bought a different…

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