October 2019

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How can a doctor’s ordering mistake result in a chemotherapy overdose?

You rely on your doctor to prescribe the right amount of chemotherapy to treat your cancer. Chemotherapy medications are dangerous, and if the wrong medicine is provided to you, you receive the wrong dose of medication, or the medication is not administered the right way,…

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Medical Malpractice Claims for Delayed Notification of Test Results

A delay in reporting diagnostic or screening test results can have severe consequences. For example: An abnormal blood test with a high white cell count could indicate streptococcal sepsis. This can be fatal if treatment is not received in a timely manner. A woman with…

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Do I sue the hospital or the individual provider for my ER delay injury?

If you’ve suffered harm due to a delay in treatment, you may be able to seek compensation by filing a Kentucky medical malpractice claim. The first step in this process is determining who is liable for your damages. In a malpractice claim, the defendant is…

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Benefits of Aquatic Therapy for Children With Cerebral Palsy

You would do anything you can to help your children. As a parent of a child with cerebral palsy, you are always looking into different therapies and activities that could help your child gain independence, improve her quality of life, and, of course, allow her…

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Occupational Therapy for Children With Cerebral Palsy

Your child is too young to have an occupation, but occupational therapy may be a critical part of his care if he has cerebral palsy. Occupational therapy, commonly referred to as OT, is not about helping your young child get or hold a job now….

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How ER Intake Errors Can Cause Dangerous Delays in Treatment

Typically, before you get any medical treatment in an emergency room, you must go through the intake process. You depend on the person at the desk to start the process and to make sure that you get the medical treatment you need before any further…

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