July 2021

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Cancer From a Philips CPAP? Our Dangerous Device Attorney in Kentucky is Here for You

Many Kentuckians use a continuous positive airway pressure therapy machine commonly known as a CPAP machine, or simply CPAP on a nightly basis. Most people who use a CPAP machine have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and need the device to help keep a normal breathing…

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What defenses should I expect in a nursing home abuse case?

Nursing homes have reputations to maintain and finances to protect. Accordingly, the Kentucky nursing home responsible for your loved one’s injury or death may aggressively defend itself against your allegation of abuse or neglect. Keep reading to learn more about common nursing home abuse and…

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Nursing Home Hip Fractures Can Be Caused by Neglect or Abuse

Hip fractures are serious injuries. Some hip fractures suffered by nursing home residents occur by accident, but nursing home abuse or neglect may also lead to a broken hip. If your loved one suffers a hip fracture in a Kentucky nursing home, we encourage you…

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