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Misdiagnosed Heart Attacks Cause Deaths

Almost half a million Americans will die each year of a heart attack, while thousands more will experience a non-fatal heart attack.  Coronary heart disease is considered to be the leading cause of death in the United States.  Despite the known risks of heart disease,…

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Class Action Certified Against Insurance Company for Unfair Business Practices

The Connecticut Supreme Court recently certified a class action against The Hartford Fire Insurance Company filed by the Auto Body Association of Connecticut and several auto body shops. The lawsuit alleges that the insurance company engaged in unfair business practices by steering customers to certain…

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Increase in Use of Pain Pumps Due to Heavy Marketing and Insurance Companies Approving Reimbursements

The dramatic increase in use of shoulder pain pumps after shoulder surgery is due in large part to the marketing efforts of the pain pump manufacturers and the increase in insurance companies approving coverage for such devices. Many insurance companies believed they could save money…

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New FAA Rule to Require Device to Prevent Airline Tank Explosions

After years of delay, a FAA rule is set to go into effect requiring a device to be placed in aircraft to prevent fuel tanks from exploding.  The rule comes many years after the explosion aboard a TWA flight took the life of 230 passengers….

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Concern Regarding Shoulder Pain Pumps and PAGCL

Several recents studies have shown a disconcerting link between the use of shoulder pain pumps and a serious condition known as Postarthroscopic Glenohumeral Chrondrolysis (PAGCL). Shoulder pain pumps are often used in arthroscopic surgeries. The pain pumps are supposed to function as a pain reliever by delivering…

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Countrywide Lawsuits Filed Throughout Country

In fallout from the subprime mortgage crisis.  Investigations have led several state attorney generals (including California, Illinois, and Florida) to file civil suits against the mortgage lender Countrywide Financial for its practices.  Amongst the allegations in a recent lawsuit filed by the West Virginia attorney general,…

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