Birth Injuries

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Can a midwife be legally responsible for a birth injury in Kentucky?

Yes, if a midwife is negligent, then the midwife may be liable for any birth injuries that result from her negligence. Most midwives in the United States are certified nurse midwives. Certified nurse midwives are licensed. They are independent medical providers, and they can prescribe…

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Who are the potential defendants in a delayed C-section case?

If your baby was hurt because your Caesarean section (C-section) was delayed, you may be able to file a birth injury case and your baby may be able to recover damages for the injuries that were suffered. However, before your baby can make such a…

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My baby died at birth. Should I file a wrongful death case?

It depends on why your child died. Whether your child died because of a medical condition that could not have been prevented or a birth injury caused by a nurse, doctor, or hospital, one thing is true: you are suffering a tragic and heartbreaking loss….

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My baby was injured at birth. How can I get help if I can’t afford to pay an attorney?

The last thing that you want to think about right now is money. Your child has been hurt because someone who was supposed to care for your child was negligent. Your child is now suffering from an injury that never should have happened and the…

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Should large babies be delivered vaginally, or by C-section?

Related Links: You Big Baby! Small Women Choosing Vaginal Delivery for Large Infants What Is Shoulder Dystocia? Erb’s Palsy and More Shoulder Dystocia Complications Some women are adamant about not receiving a C-section, preferring to deliver a baby naturally if they can. While many women…

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Is there any way to tell if a baby has suffered brain injury while on ECMO treatment?

Related Links: What Parents Need to Know About Infant ECMO Treatment After a Birth Injury ECMO Treatments May Cause Bleeding Problems for Infant Heart Patients ECMO May Help Meconium Aspiration There are many diagnostic tests that can be used to confirm whether a child sustained…

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