Birth Injuries

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My 6-month-old son was just diagnosed with severe cerebral palsy at our Louisville hospital, and I know very little about the condition or available resources. Can you point me in the right direction to find the information I need?

There are a number of resources that offer information and resources for parents of children with cerebral palsy (CP). You can find information on causes, medical and therapy practitioners, medications, assistive devices, etc., etc. Here are just a few places that you should check out:…

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My sister in Louisville just had a baby that was born with Down syndrome. My sister and her husband had asked about having amniocentesis to make sure their baby was normal, but the obstetrician told them it was risky and unnecessary. Do they have grounds for a lawsuit?

I can’t say unequivocally without consulting them and investigating the circumstances, but it sounds as if they can sue for wrongful birth. If they were concerned about having a baby with birth defects and they made clear to the doctor that they might terminate the…

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I’m in my fourth month of pregnancy—can I have a glass of wine or not? First I see that “experts say” to drink no alcohol during pregnancy, then I see that other experts say it’s OK to have a glass of wine once in a while, then I see that a daily glass of wine is fine. Help!

I understand your frustration. There is definitely disagreement among “experts.” In a recent study of 1,600 Danish children at age five—whose mothers drank either a small amount of alcohol daily or drank five or more drinks early in pregnancy—the children of drinking moms performed just…

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What does it mean if my baby has a developmental delay in Louisville?

If your baby has a developmental delay, it means that the milestones expected by a certain age haven’t been reached. Sometimes these delays are temporary or considered to be mild. But other delays could indicate a significant problem. Sometimes medical negligence may have been a…

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What is periventricular leukomalacia (PVL)?

Periventricular Leukomalacia (PVL) refers to the damage of the brain’s white matter. Lack of oxygen during delivery may cause the destruction of the unborn baby’s brain cells. PVL can be caused by the pregnant mother catching an infection, such as rubella (German measles), having very…

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What is persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN)?

Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN) is a life-threatening condition that affects about one or two in 1,000 infants. As many as 10-20 percent of newborn babies die from PPHN. PPHN restricts the blood flow to the infant’s lungs, limited the amount of oxygen…

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