Brain Injuries

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Shaken Baby Syndrome in Kentucky: A Little Anger Causes Lots of Damage

Shaken baby syndrome, abusive head trauma, shaken impact syndrome, inflicted head injury, whiplash shake syndrome—all are terms for a momentary loss of self-control that leads to the severe injury or death of an infant or toddler. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), only…

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How Do Traumatic and Acquired Brain Injury Differ, Kentucky?

If you asked three people in Kentucky about the difference between traumatic brain injury (TBI) and acquired brain injury (ABI), you would probably get three different answers. Are they the same thing? Is one a form of the other? Are they completely different? It’s time…

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Just One Concussion Can Change the Brain for Life, Kentucky

Kentucky parents go pale when their toddlers hit their heads on a piece of furniture, insist that their kids wear their bike helmets, and say a prayer when a football-playing teenager gets pounded to the ground, bumping a helmet-covered head. A recent study reveals that…

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When the Brain Swells—Not Because of Intelligence, Kentucky

When you injure various parts of your body, the body responds by causing that area to swell. As describes, swelling, or edema, is an inflammatory response that occurs when capillaries are damaged, leaking fluid into the surrounding tissues. The increased blood in the tissues…

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How to Recognize the Signs of a Potentially Serious Brain Injury in Kentucky

It can be difficult to assess the damage that’s been done by a car crash, medical malpractice accident, slip and fall, or other type of accident. You may not feel quite right, but are these symptoms due to shock, fatigue, or a brain injury? How…

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Life in Kentucky Changes After Severing Your Spinal Cord

Your son has just been in a serious car crash in Louisville. The emergency room personnel say it’s a wonder he even survived because he seems to have a severed spinal cord. What kind of life will he have now? What Is the Spinal Cord?…

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