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Surgical Anesthesia May Cause Brain Damage and Death in KY Hospitals

Before you underwent surgery, you probably met with the anesthesiologist who would be taking care of you while you were unconscious. He explained the risks of Louisville anesthesia brain injury while you listened nervously, wondering if all those words like “slight chance” and “in rare cases”…

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Dead Serious Facts, Kentucky: Statistics on Death From Surgical Errors

Most of us in Kentucky have probably seen a cartoon or comic strip in which a surgeon frantically searches for his wristwatch, only to discover on an X-ray that he left it in the patient. We laughed, of course, or perhaps just shook our heads…

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“Deny and Defend” or “Disclose, Apologize, and Offer” in Kentucky?

The University of Michigan Health System (UMHS) has been trying out a unique way of addressing medical errors in its hospitals: own up to the mistake, apologize, and offer appropriate compensation.  You read that right, Kentucky. The Michigan Model ScienceDaily discusses the Michigan Model, which…

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Diagnostic Testing Can Help Louisville Doctors Confirm Early Signs of a Stroke

Every day, we put our lives into the hands of doctors. We trust that they will listen to us, care for us, and will know what to do when something goes wrong. Unfortunately, doctors are just as human as we are—and if they are not…

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“Doc, Are You Awake?”—Sleep-Deprived Doctors in Kentucky

Most of us in Kentucky have had to carry on with our daily lives despite having gotten far less sleep than we needed. No doubt, it affects our mood, our productivity, and our health—especially if sleep deprivation continues over a number of nights. If you’re…

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It’s a No-Brainer, Kentucky: Diagnosing Traumatic Brain Injury Early

Traumatic brain injury, or TBI, can lead to permanent disability or even death. In the United States, about 1.7 million people each year suffer a TBI, and TBI contributes to nearly one-third of the injury-related deaths in this country. According to the Centers for Disease…

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