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When Medical Negligence in Louisville Causes Baby Developmental Delay

When medical negligence causes injury to your baby, developmental delay may be obvious. Some forms are mild but others are significant and could be life-impacting. To learn if you are eligible to pursue a claim against a healthcare provider, contact a Louisville birth injury lawyer….

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When a Serious Car Accident in Louisville, KY Leads to Depression (Part B)

Symptoms and Signs of Depression After a serious car accident, depression may not always be obvious because many individuals associate it with feelings of sadness. But anger can be a sign of depression, too. Understanding the various symptoms can help an individual recognize when it…

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When a Serious Car Accident in Louisville, KY Leads to Depression (Part A)

Although a Louisville, KY car accident can lead to significant physical injuries, victims may also suffer psychological damage. When an accident has been especially serious, it may lead to depression. Contact a Louisville car accident lawyer to learn what legal options may be available. Causes…

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Brain Injury Caused by a Drug Overdose or Medication Error in Kentucky (Part A)

A brain injury can occur if you were the victim of a medication error or a drug overdose. Compensation may be available to address the expenses you have incurred and the losses you have suffered. Contact a Louisville law firm that has experience with handling…

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PTSD after a Car Accident in Kentucky (Part A)

A traumatic accident can lead to normal feelings of fear, guilt and anxiety. However, when those emotions interfere with an individual’s life, he or she may be suffering from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). A car accident in Kentucky that results in severe or fatal…

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PTSD after a Car Accident in Kentucky (Part B)

Symptoms and Signs of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder PTSD after a car accident can have various symptoms. The 3 most common symptoms are anxiety, avoidance of anything pertaining to the accident and re-creating the event in the mind. However, there are specific signs that may…

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