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KY Medication Error Alert: Acetaminophen Overdoses in Infants and Young Children (Part B)

In April 2011, the FDA discovered that confusion about the differing concentrations of acetaminophen was causing overdoses in infants and children. One of the more serious injuries that some infants suffered was liver damage. Sadly, some of those children died as a result of liver…

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When a Doctor’s Handwriting Is Illegible and Leads to a Prescription Error in KY (Part A)

An illegible prescription could lead to devastating consequences. If you or a loved one suffered serious injuries or illness because of a medication error, then you may be entitled to compensation. Consult with a Louisville medication error lawyer to learn what your rights are. Prescription…

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When a Doctor’s Handwriting Is Illegible and Leads to a Prescription Error in KY (Part B)

Although a doctor may be found liable for injuries caused by an illegible prescription, you also may be entitled to seek legal action against a pharmacist who doesn’t verify the correct medication. If a pharmacist guesses or assumes which drug the doctor is prescribing, he…

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When You’re Partly at Fault in a Kentucky Accident (Part A)

Establishing fault in a Kentucky accident is important and can influence the amount of damages you may be entitled to receive. This is why you may benefit in securing legal help from a Louisville personal injury attorney. An attorney will take the time to evaluate…

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When You’re Partly at Fault in a Kentucky Accident (Part B)

Damages after a Kentucky Accident You not only may have property damage to be concerned about after a Kentucky accident, but you also could face significantly high medical bills. In addition, there may be necessary future medical treatments. These expenses will need to be addressed…

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Prescription Drug Mix Up Due to Medications That Sound Alike (Part A)

A prescription drug mix up is not as uncommon as some people may think. With so many medications that look alike and sound the same, pharmacy errors could happen. However, this preventable type of negligence could lead to compensation if you or a loved one were…

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