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Prescription Drug Mix Up Due to Medications That Sound Alike (Part B)

Preventing a Prescription Drug Mix Up You should look for the following contact and identifying information on your prescription to help prevent pharmacy errors:  name of drug; dosage strength; form (tablets, liquid, capsule); amount to be dispensed; directions on how to take the drug; number…

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5 Ways to Stop Elderly Abuse from Happening in Kentucky (Part A)

It can be difficult to imagine that when we place our loved ones in the hands of caregivers that they could become victims of elderly abuse. Yet the reality is that it happens more often than it should. If your loved one sustained serious injuries…

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5 Ways to Stop Elderly Abuse from Happening in Kentucky (Part B)

A second way you can help stop elderly abuse is to be aware of scams. Older adults are often targeted, innocently giving out private information such as their credit card number or checking account number.  A third way that elderly abuse can be stopped is…

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Preventing Elderly Abuse in Kentucky (Part A)

Elder abuse is a very real and serious problem in Kentucky and throughout the United States. It can be prevented by recognizing signs of abuse and taking measures to better protect the elderly. If someone you love was the victim of neglect or abuse in…

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Medication Errors Related to Drug Allergy Reactions (Part A)

While there are different types of allergies such as food and environment, drug allergies could be especially dangerous. Having a thorough evaluation and discussing your medical history with a doctor is important before taking any kind of medication. If you suffered serious or life-threatening injuries…

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Medication Errors Related to Drug Allergy Reactions (Part B)

Prevention of Drug Allergy Reactions According to the Institute of Medicine, in 2004, there were about 770,000 people in the United States hospitalized due to drug allergies, otherwise known as adverse drug reactions. Although this number may not be reflective of current statistics, it is…

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