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5 Things to Consider When Choosing a Kentucky Nursing Home Abuse Attorney

When you believe that a loved one has been a victim of nursing home abuse, finding the right Kentucky nursing home abuse attorney is a crucial step to take. While no attorney can guarantee you the results and compensation you desire regardless of success rates…

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6 Types of Negligent Drivers Who Could Cause a Louisville Accident (Part B)

If you have been injured in a car accident due to another’s negligence, one of the first things you should do after seeking medical attention is to contact a Louisville personal injury attorney.  An attorney who has experience with Louisville accident claims can help gather…

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Nursing Home Abuse in Kentucky: A Resident’s Rights (Part B)

When a person becomes a patient in a nursing home or care facility they do not lose or give up the power to make decisions for themselves. Nursing home abuse in Kentucky should be addressed and rectified as soon as possible with the help of…

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How Comparative Negligence in Kentucky Affects Your Louisville Accident Claim (Part B)

The state of Kentucky follows what is called “pure comparative negligence.” This means that each party is assigned a percentage of fault in the accident by a judge or jury. The percentage will impact the amount of damages that can be recovered in a Louisville…

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How Comparative Negligence in Kentucky Affects Your Louisville Accident Claim (Part A)

If you have been injured and plan on filing a Louisville accident claim, you should know how comparative negligence in Kentucky may affect it. Each state has its own rules in determining how fault is assigned, which may decide whether or not injured victims can…

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Potential Compensation in a Louisville Nursing Home Abuse Claim

If one of your loved ones has been the victim of abuse in a Louisville, Kentucky, nursing home, you may have decided to pursue a Louisville nursing home abuse claim. If you are pursuing or considering pursuing a Louisville nursing home abuse claim, contact a…

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