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Preserve Your Kentucky Injury Claim after an Accident in Louisville (Part A)

If you or someone you love has been seriously injured in an accident in Louisville, you are probably overwhelmed with how to deal with the ramifications. A Louisville personal injury attorney can aid you on building an effective case for a Kentucky injury claim in…

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Preserve Your Kentucky Injury Claim after an Accident in Louisville (Part B)

Avoid Making any Recorded Statements to the Insurance CompanyDuring the course of your Kentucky injury claim process, the insurance company may ask you to make a recorded or “official” statement about your accident in Louisville. Do not agree to give any recorded statements or allow…

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Stages of a Kentucky Personal Injury Case (Part A)

An injury is a tragic and often life-changing event. If you have been injured in an accident due to the negligence of another, you could be entitled to compensation for your injuries to assist with medical costs, lost wages, and pain and suffering through a…

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Stages of a Kentucky Personal Injury Case (Part B)

After you and your Louisville accident attorney have begun the Kentucky personal injury claim process by filing the complaint with the court, a summons will be sent to the defendant and a timeframe will be established for the defendant to respond. Failure to do so…

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Facing the Aftermath of a Severe Accident in LaGrange, Oldham County

After a severe accident in LaGrange, Oldham County, you may be facing a lot of obstacles. Bills associated with medical treatment and recovery, as well as lost wages will become a reality.Consulting with LaGrange traffic accident lawyers is a vital step to ensuring that your…

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When an Accident in Lexington, Fayette County Results in Serious Injuries

When you or a loved one have been involved in an accident in Lexington, Fayette County and it has resulted in serious injuries, one of the first things you should do is seek legal counsel. A Lexington, Kentucky accident lawyer will take the time to…

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