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There is a waiting list for Granma’s preferred nursing home. It may be better to wait than to settle for less.

Taking care of your aging parent in Kentucky can be exhausting and drain your resources when you have so many other things to handle. There is so much to worry about: meals, laundry, medication, and risks of falls to mention only a few. If at…

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Compensation in a Nursing Home Abuse Claim in Kentucky (Part B)

There are a number of factors to consider when determining compensation in a Kentucky nursing home abuse claim. While there are some damages, such as medical bills and hospital costs that are relatively straight forward to quantify, it is very difficult to fairly determine the…

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Signs of Nursing Home Abuse in Kentucky (Part A)

It is unimaginable that an elder could be in danger; in the very place loved ones put them in order to be taken care of. The sad reality is that nursing home abuse is more common than you might think. If your loved one has…

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Signs of Nursing Home Abuse in Kentucky (Part B)

Signs of Nursing Home Abuse in Kentucky: Neglect Not always as noticeable but just as important are signs of neglect, another form of nursing home abuse in Kentucky. Staff have a responsibility to ensure that your loved one has all of their needs met and…

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What Every Surgery Patient Should Know About Surgical Errors

Although most patients trust that their doctor will perform a safe surgery, the risk of being injured because of a surgical error is always present. However, when a surgical error results from negligence that could have been prevented, the victim does have legal options to…

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Overview of Plastic Surgeon Errors

Plastic surgery may be a popular option for changing one’s appearance, but unfortunately, plastic surgeon errors happen more often than you may think. If you have been the victim of a botched plastic surgery, you should immediately consult a Kentucky medical malpractice lawyer. An experienced…

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