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How Cerebral Palsy Is Diagnosed in Children

You may be worried that your child has cerebral palsy after a difficult labor and delivery, but it may be a few years before a doctor makes a cerebral palsy diagnosis. Often, a diagnosis comes after a child has missed developmental milestones. If you or…

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The Danger of Sepsis-Related Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation

Sepsis may cause complicated medical problems you’ve never heard of. As if your loved one’s sepsis infection was not scary enough, she has now been diagnosed with disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) after developing sepsis in her Kentucky nursing home. What Is Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation? Serious…

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Emergency Room Delays in Meningitis Diagnosis or Treatment

Meningitis is an infection of the membrane around the brain and spinal cord, and it is often a medical emergency. Without quick antibiotic treatment, bacterial meningitis may cause permanent brain damage or death. Unfortunately, sometimes emergency room doctors take too long to diagnose meningitis and patients…

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What Happens When an Emergency Room Delays Traumatic Brain Injury Care

Each year, millions of Americans seek emergency room care for brain injuries, but are they getting the medical care they need? For many people who suffer brain injuries in motor vehicle collisions, falls, and other types of accidents, the emergency room is the first place…

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Five Ways Hospitals Can Prevent Radiation Machine Mistakes

Your doctor can only provide you with the right radiation treatment if the machines that deliver radiation treatment are reliable. Mechanical problems, calibration errors, or other problems with the machines that deliver radiation treatment can be dangerous. While your oncology team may not have created…

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How Radiation Treatment Could Cause a Permanent Spinal Cord Injury

Radiation is often recommended to treat tumors on the spine. When radiation treatment is successful, it can treat cancerous tumors, prevent tumors from coming back, shrink tumors to make spinal surgery less risky, and eliminate the need for some spinal surgeries. However, radiation to the…

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