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Delayed Medical Treatment Wrongful Death Lawsuits

Your loved one went to the emergency room and asked for medical help. Unfortunately, the medical attention she needed wasn’t quick enough. The delay was not just inconvenient and frustrating, and it did more than cause your loved one unnecessary pain. This time, the delay…

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Traumatic Brain Injury Can Cause You to Lose Your Sense of Smell

A brain injury can impact your life in ways you never expected. For some people, a brain injury can cause a loss of smell, known as anosmia. Out of the many medical and emotional issues you have to deal with following a traumatic brain injury,…

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Free and Appropriate Public Education for Children With Cerebral Palsy

Children with cerebral palsy have the right to free and appropriate public education. Two laws, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (Section 504) and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), establish this right for all children with disabilities in the United States. As a parent…

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Looking Ahead to the Teen Years for Children With Cerebral Palsy

Many parents learn of their children’s cerebral palsy when they are infants or toddlers, and many articles are written about what to do after your child is diagnosed with cerebral palsy. This is a critical time for families, and there is a lot to learn…

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When Nursing Home Negligence Caused Your Loved One’s Sepsis

Nursing home residents often have multiple health issues. It can be tricky for you, as a family member or a friend, to know when something has changed, or a new medical problem has developed. You count on the nursing home doctors and nurses to notice…

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How and When an Emergency Room Should Transfer a Patient

There is a limit to the care that some emergency rooms can provide. Some patients will need specialty care and will require hospital admission or a transfer to a different emergency room. When the emergency room delays the transfer, the patient’s medical care is also…

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