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Delayed Treatment in Kentucky Emergency Rooms

You needed immediate medical treatment for your heart attack, stroke, brain aneurysm, or another medical emergency. That’s why you went to the emergency room rather than making an appointment with your doctor. Kentucky Emergency Room Wait Times On average, patients in Kentucky wait anywhere from…

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What Everyone Should Know About Radiation Overdoses

Patients in the 21st century benefit from medical tests and treatments that were not always available. Radiation makes diagnostic tests like x-rays and CT scans possible, and radiation is an effective treatment for some kinds of cancer. However, radiation can also be dangerous and deadly…

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A Parent’s Guide to Dyskinetic Cerebral Palsy Birth Injuries

Cerebral palsy is a term commonly used to describe a group of health conditions that impact a person’s movement. Not all types of cerebral palsy are the same, however, and to help your child after a cerebral palsy diagnosis, it is essential to understand your…

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Cargo Tank Truck Rollover Accidents, Injuries, and Recoveries

Approximately 1,300 cargo tank rollovers occur each year in the United States, on average, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). These rollover accidents can be catastrophic for cargo tank drivers and anyone who is near the truck when it overturns. Common Causes…

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Act Immediately to Protect Your Right to Recovery After a Pipeline Explosion

On August 1, 2019, a devastating pipeline explosion occurred in Lincoln County just outside a mobile home park. One person was killed, five were injured, and several homes were destroyed when flames from the resulting fire reached over 300 feet into the air. The explosion…

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Nursing Home Residents With Parkinson’s Disease May Be Abused or Neglected by Staff

From the day your loved one was first diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, you worried about the time he would need to go into a nursing home. Eventually, his mobility issues will be too significant for him to be safe at home. But how can you…

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