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Dental Care Is Critical for Louisville Nursing Home Residents

Dental care is critical to the health of nursing home residents. According to the Kentucky Dental Association, “Nursing home and the homebound elderly, perhaps more than any other population groups, need complete, comprehensive and routine dental services to maintain an adequate level of oral health.”…

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What You Need to Know If Your Infant Was Diagnosed With Torticollis

A difficult birth can result in pain and complications for your baby. During birth, your child’s neck may be twisted in a challenging and dangerous way. This twisting can stretch out the sternocleidomastoid muscle in the neck and cause your baby’s head to tilt to…

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What All Drivers Need to Know About Semi-Truck Blind Spot Crashes

Large trucks may be the most efficient way to move goods from Point A to Point B; however, their large size creates a serious risk for truckers and other motorists. The design of large trucks makes it difficult for truckers to see every area on…

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Your Guide to Car Accident Injury Recoveries

Knee injuries can be painful and life-changing. Before your car accident, you may have been able to walk, bend, drive, and go about your daily activities with little thought about whether you could stand, sit, or be pain-free. Now, your whole life has changed because…

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Nursing Home Negligence in Louisville May Cause a Dangerous C. Diff Infection

Clostridioides difficile (C. diff) infections are a public health concern in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately half a million C. diff infections occur in the United States each year, and approximately 15,000 people die from these…

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How to Prove Your Child Suffered a Birth Injury

The cause of your baby’s birth injury may be obvious to you. However, before your child can recover damages for a birth injury, you must convince the insurance company or the court that someone else was legally responsible for causing the injury. You Need Evidence…

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