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6 Common Causes of Tire Failure and Car Accidents

Tire malfunctions can result in vehicle accidents that injure and kill many people. In the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) 2016 report, statistics indicated that tire malfunctions resulted in approximately 733 deaths and more than 11,000 crashes. Here are several common reasons tire failures…

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Six Forms of Discipline That Should Not Happen in Kentucky Daycare Centers

Discipline is not punishment. Instead, discipline should teach and guide children, according to Kentucky Guidelines for Childcare Technical Assistance. Children are under the supervision and guidance of adults for their safety and so that they can learn. Sometimes, this requires the adults in charge to…

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Summer Is A Dangerous Time to be on the Road: Don’t Text and Drive and Other Tips

Traveling during the summer can be dangerous. The days between Memorial Day and Labor Day have been called “The 100 Deadliest Days” for teen drivers in Kentucky and across the United States. This is also the deadliest time of year for any driver to be…

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Federal Regulations Mean Commercial Truck Accidents Are Very Different than Your Typical Car Accident Claim

Truck accidents pose very different types of issues than passenger car wrecks. There are many nuances and details that must be addressed in truck accidents that require specific knowledge and skill by the truck accident attorneys handling them. They are not your routine low-speed, rear-end…

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Beware! These Are the Most Common Types of Truck Wrecks on Kentucky Roads

Truck accidents are serious. The sheer size and weight of large commercial trucks magnify the intensity of any crash they are involved in. Unfortunately, truck drivers are some of the most notoriously reckless drivers on the highways and roadways in Kentucky and throughout the United…

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How Nursing Homes Try to Cover Up Abuse and Neglect—And What You Can Do About It

Nursing homes, and the staff that work in nursing homes, are supposed to care for residents. They are legally obligated to report suspected nursing home abuse. Unfortunately, they often cover up abuse and neglect injuries rather than report those injuries to state agencies or the…

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