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Hallucinations or Death from Taking Parkinson’s Drug Nuplazid? Our Attorneys Are Filing Lawsuits Now.

Nuplazid, a new medication to treat Parkinson’s disease has been linked to a high number of patient deaths. The FDA has been made aware of as many as 700 deaths linked to the drug and the number is growing. The Kentucky dangerous drug attorneys of…

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How the Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes Can Hurt Your Baby

Within a few weeks of becoming pregnant, your body started making amniotic fluid to protect your child. The amniotic fluid should have continued to surround your baby until you went into labor and your water broke. Unfortunately, that isn’t what happened and you suffered from…

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Daycare Centers Have a Duty to Prevent Eating Injuries

Whether your child is an infant who can’t feed himself, a toddler who may run around with food in her mouth, or a preschooler who can’t safely cut her own food, your child requires supervision while eating. During the hours that your child is at daycare,…

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Physical Therapy Malpractice Can Occur in Nursing Homes

Physical therapy (PT) is an integral and important part of the lives of many residents in nursing homes. PT can be a critical part of overall healthcare and well-being and can help to: Restore physical function Improve mobility Relieve pain Prevent or limit further physical…

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Placental Abruption and Birth Injury: Learn the Facts

Nothing that your doctor or midwife does causes a placental abruption, and it’s not likely that a medical provider can prevent your placenta from separating from the uterus. However, doctors are responsible for recognizing the signs of placental abruption, for diagnosing the condition, and for…

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Five Questions You Need Answered About Intentional Abuse in Kentucky Daycares

It wasn’t someone’s indifference, it wasn’t a lack of training, and it wasn’t insufficient staffing that led to your child’s injury. Instead, it was the deliberate and intentional abuse of his daycare providers that caused your child to be hurt. That truth—that someone meant to…

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