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Is a Cephalohematoma a Birth Injury?

Cephalohematomas occur when the blood vessels on an infant’s head are damaged. The damaged blood vessels release blood and the blood then pools between the baby’s skin and skull bone. While cephalohematomas may look frightening, they do not affect the infant’s brain and they generally…

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The Risk of Playground Injuries

Outdoor play is “critical for healthy whole child development,” according to the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). Outdoor play includes playgrounds which provide many learning opportunities for babies, toddlers, and school-age children. Since the mid-20th century, there has been increased attention…

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Three Things You Need to Know About Nursing Home Residents’ Records

Kentucky nursing homes have a duty to keep records on each resident in their care. These records are more than a formality. They are not meant to create a paperwork burden for the nursing home or simply fulfill the technical requirements of a state regulation….

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Your Guide to Infant Bone Injuries During Birth

No child should have to start life with the pain of a broken bone, and no parent should have the added complication of having to figure out the appropriate medical care and treatment plan for their child’s broken bone. Regardless of how your baby was…

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Was Your Child Seriously Burned Because Their Daycare/Preschool was Negligently Using Slow Cookers to Heat Bottles?

Did you know that researchers at the Department of Trauma and Burn Services at the Children’s National Medical Center report that slow cookers and crock pots are the most common cause of burns suffered at daycare and other childcare facilities? These burns occur because daycare…

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Who Is Qualified to Take Care of Your Children at Their Kentucky Day Care Facilities?

As a parent, you know how hard it is to take care of young children and to keep them safe. The Commonwealth of Kentucky recognizes both the difficulty and the importance of keeping young children safe. Accordingly, regulations are in place that establish minimum staff-to-child…

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