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Trust Your Instincts When Dealing With Nursing Homes

This week the Kentucky media was covering a story about an elderly resident of a nursing home in Georgia. The story concerned an 89-year-old WW2 veteran who died in an Atlanta area nursing home. The man was in distress and had waited over 8 minutes…

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The Top 10 Complaints of Abuse and Neglect from Kentucky Nursing Home Residents

Residents of Kentucky nursing homes are often victims of abuse and neglect. There are many different types of problems ranging from the staff being slow to answer a call light to outright physical and mental abuse by the staff. After several decades suing Kentucky nursing…

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Negligent or Improper Care for a PEG Feeding Tube Is a Common Form of Abuse in Kentucky Care Facilities

Many nursing home residents have a feeding tube due to their inability to properly feed themselves or take in nutrition as a healthy individual would normally do. This includes nursing home residents with swallowing problems, appetite disorders, or a variety of issues that can occur…

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What Is Rheumatoid Arthritis and How Does It Affect Your Body’s Immune System?

In 2010, a new drug was released and marketed as a significant breakthrough for people suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). That drug was Actemra. It was marketed as an alternative to the existing RA drugs but contained far fewer warnings concerning adverse side effects. In…

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Has Your Trade Secret Been Violated?

There is certain information that your business would like to keep secret. Perhaps you have a process for doing things, a formula, a program, or data that is valuable to your business. Other people don’t know about these secrets, they can’t be easily (or legally)…

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Not All Business Contracts Are Breached in the Same Way

You couldn’t do business without entering into binding legal contracts. You need assurance from other parties that they will pay for the services or goods that you provide or that they will provide the services or good that you pay them to provide to you….

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