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Seven Things You Need to Know to Protect Your Car Crash Recovery

The Commonwealth of Kentucky estimates that the total cost of 2015 Kentucky traffic collisions was between $2.5 billion and $17.7 billion. The lower number—$2.5 billion—includes economic costs only, while the larger number—$17.7 billion—includes the lost quality of life caused by injuries and fatalities. Your own…

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How Kentucky Car Crash Cases Start, How They End, and What Happens in the Middle

Final numbers for 2016 are not yet available, but in 2015 more than 161,000 traffic collisions were reported in Kentucky. Approximately two-thirds of these crashes involved collisions between two or more moving vehicles. If you were hurt in this type of accident—or in any crash…

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Answers to Your Important Questions About Car Seats

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), proper restraints are effective in preventing car crash fatalities and injuries in the following ways: Car seats reduce the risk of death to infants under the age of one by 71%. Car seats reduce the…

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How to Help Your Child After a Kentucky Car Crash

In 2015, 37 children aged 14 and younger lost their lives in Kentucky accidents. This included 10 children under the age of four. Additionally, 13 children aged four and younger were hurt and another 14 suffered potential injuries in Kentucky crashes. Injuries were also reported…

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How to Find the Right Lawyer for Your Kentucky Car Crash Case

When a car accident has resulted in serious injuries and you plan on pursuing a claim against the negligent party, it is important to know about the attorney whom you hire to help you. Your attorney can make a significant difference in the outcome of…

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How to Prove Negligence in a Kentucky Car Accident Lawsuit

You know that you didn’t cause the crash that resulted in your physical injuries, but if you want to recover damages in a settlement or in court then you are going to have to prove that someone else did cause the crash. Specifically, you are…

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