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Don’t Do These Things After a Car Accident

Car crashes often result in chaos. Your daily routine has been interrupted, you have to attend to unexpected details, and you want to make sure that you don’t make mistakes that later jeopardize your fair recovery. Whether this is your first car crash or you’ve…

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What to Do at the Scene of a Kentucky Car Accident—And After

You can’t anticipate when a car crash will happen—if you could, then you would avoid it!—but you should be prepared for what happens next. According to some estimates, a typical driver has three to four car crashes during his lifetime. Therefore, it is important that…

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What Matters During Car Accident Insurance Settlement Negotiations

Car insurance is mandatory in Kentucky. Insurance is supposed to protect you from the financial consequences of a car crash. Yet, while the purpose of insurance is to protect you the goal of the insurance companies is to minimize the amount of money that they…

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Your Guide to Kentucky Car Insurance

You may not be thinking about a car crash injury when you get an insurance quote or pay your bill, but the coverage that you select may have a significant impact on your ability to recover damages in a car accident and may protect you…

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How to Protect Your Recovery If You’re in a Crash With an Uninsured Driver

You’ve already suffered a traumatic event; you’ve been seriously injured in a car crash. Now, as you try to get a fair recovery for the injuries that were caused by someone else’s negligence, you learn that the negligent driver didn’t even have car insurance. This…

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Recovering From a Car Crash Spinal Cord Injury

Approximately 17,000 people suffer spinal cord injuries each year in the United States. The most common cause of spinal cord injuries is motor vehicle accidents. Since 2010, thirty-eight percent of spinal cord injuries in this country have been caused by vehicular crashes. Spinal cord injuries—like…

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