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Daylight Saving Time: Also Time to Save Lives on Kentucky Roads

The sun will set in Louisville at 6:42 p.m. on Saturday, March 7, 2015 and most Kentuckians hope that the cold and darkness of winter will set with it. While spring won’t officially start for a few more weeks, Daylight Saving Time will begin at…

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Why Infections May Be a Sign of Nursing Home Negligence

This isn’t the first time that your loved one has gotten a serious infection in a nursing home. It isn’t the first time that you’ve sat with her in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) or that you’ve prayed for her quick recovery. It may not…

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Fatal Motor Vehicle Crashes: What You Should Know About the Past and the Future

All it takes is one negligent driver to end a life and change a family forever. The impact is personal and independent of other fatal accidents. While even one fatal accident is one too many, it is important to understand recent trends in fatal crashes…

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Three Medical Errors That Could Endanger the Lives of Nursing Home Residents

Your loved one moved into a nursing home because of her medical needs. Your family trusted that the nurses would carry out the orders of her doctors and provide her with the care she couldn’t get at home. You were confident in the care that…

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How to Prepare for Your First Meeting With a TARC Wrongful Death Attorney

You may have never met with a lawyer before. Even if you have hired a lawyer in the past, you likely have never suffered from the death of a loved one in a Transit Authority of River City (TARC) bus accident before. This is completely…

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What All Parents-to-Be Need to Know About Anesthesia Aspiration

In the 1960s, anesthesia aspiration was a common cause of death for pregnant women. It is estimated that during the 1960s as many as two percent of all maternal deaths were caused by aspiration pneumonia that developed because of anesthesia. Times have changed. The risk…

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