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Resident-to-Resident Abuse: Why the Nursing Home May Be at Fault

Nursing home staff did not put a hand on your loved one. It was not a nurse, an assistant, or another staff member who punched your loved one. It was not an orderly or maintenance person who tripped your loved one. However, it may be…

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Could the Norton Scale Have Saved Your Loved One’s Life?

Bedsores, or pressure ulcers, are not uncommon in nursing homes. However, that does not mean that they are also inevitable. Many bedsores can be prevented with reasonable care by nursing home staff and that care may begin with a bedsore assessment to determine if a…

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What to Do If Your Loved One Is Killed by a Drunk Driver

This was something that you never thought would happen to your family. It isn’t the tragic story of an acquaintance from work, it isn’t an after school special, and it isn’t even the lead story on the local evening news. Instead, it was the very…

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Three Potentially Deadly Dangers in Nursing Homes During the Holiday Season

To your loved one, the days between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day may have been like any other. She may have woken up in the nursing home in the morning with the fair expectation that her needs would be met and you may have taken…

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The Right Way to Tie One on This Holiday Season

This is a unique time of year. From Thanksgiving weekend through New Year’s Day, it seems like there is always a party to go to or a festive event to enjoy. Many of these occasions include alcohol, which can be enjoyable if it is consumed…

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What to Consider When Making a Loss of Consortium Claim After the Death of a Spouse

Loss of consortium claims have been brought in many states for many years. However, surviving spouses in Kentucky have only had the legal right to bring such claims in recent years. Accordingly, if you have lost a spouse in a Kentucky car crash then it…

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