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Three Types of Nursing Home Abuse That Can be Fatal and Don’t Involve Hitting

The word abuse might conjure up images of physical violence. You might imagine someone hitting, kicking, pushing, or forcefully shaking a nursing home resident. These are all forms of nursing home abuse that can result in serious injury or death, but they are not the…

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What to Do If Someone Dies at the Scene of Your Car Crash

It is easy to panic. Whether or not you caused the accident, the scene is terrifying. The wreckage is unbelievable, the injuries sustained by some of the people involved in the crash are gruesome, and at least one person has lost her life. You may…

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Three Things You Need to Know If a Mechanical Problem Caused Your TARC Accident

News reports, the Transit Authority of River City (TARC), or the bus driver himself may be telling you that it was not the driver’s fault that the bus crashed and that you were injured. Instead, your source maintains that there was some kind of mechanical…

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Four Signs You Should Pursue a Legal Recovery After a TARC Bus Accident

There is absolutely nothing that you could have done to avoid what has happened. A Transit Authority of River City (TARC) bus caused an accident with your vehicle and you were hurt. Now, you are faced with decisions about what to do next. Should Your…

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Seven Things About Contractures That Most Nursing Home Residents and Their Families Don’t Realize

There are so many things that you need to think about when your loved one makes the transition into a nursing home. Is she getting the right medications at the right time? Is she getting enough to eat and drink? Are her medical needs being…

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How to Start Getting Your Life Back on Track After a TARC Accident

You couldn’t have predicted that you would be hurt in a TARC bus crash and you couldn’t have foreseen the ways in which your life would change because of your injuries. Since you can’t go back and prevent the crash from occurring, you must instead…

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