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Will Patients Have Problems Using Obamacare at Appalachian Regional Hospitals?

If you live in southeastern Kentucky, you’ve probably visited at least one of the 10 hospitals that make up the Appalachian Regional Healthcare system. If you’ve never had any problems with your doctor, insurance, or health care providers, you may not be able to expect…

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A Short Guide to Cervical, Lumbar, and Thoracic Spinal Cord Injury Symptoms

Related Links: Long Term Costs of a Spinal Cord Injury Reversing the Effects of Spinal Cord Injury Understanding a Spinal Cord Injury Prognosis You may have been overjoyed to hear that your family member’s spinal cord was intact after her accident. The doctor made a…

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What Parents Need to Know About Infant ECMO Treatment After a Birth Injury

Related Links: ECMO for Meconium Aspiration? Treating Infant Hypoxia After Childbirth Causes of Louisville Birth Defects You barely got to hold your new baby before he was taken to the NICU for emergency treatment. The next thing you knew, you were looking through the glass…

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How a Fatal Sepsis Case Can Begin as a Bladder Infection in a Nursing Home

Related Links: 3 Things You Should Know About Sepsis Can Nursing Home Residents Die From Sepsis? You weren’t exactly shocked to hear that your elderly aunt passed away. She was over seventy and had been in a nursing home for some time, so the call…

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Poor city planning can cause a car crash due to rock-slides, floods, and dangerous snow piles. A lawyer discusses liability after a fatal Pike County KY crash.

Related Links: 8 Tips for Driving in the Snow in Kentucky Look Out Kentucky Drivers, Here It Comes!—Winter, That Is Now that the snow has fallen and the plows are working overtime to clear the roads, you may be tempted to think that the worst…

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3 Steps Your Doctor Could Have Taken to Prevent a Pikeville Brain Injury Death

Head trauma is one of the most serious injuries a person will ever face. Patients often arrive at the emergency room unconscious, leaving their fates in the hands of whichever doctors are on staff that day. Unfortunately for many head injury victims, a visit that…

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