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Kentucky Nursing Home Abuse Is Not Always Physical Abuse

When you think of abuse of residents in Kentucky nursing homes, you probably think of physical or sexual abuse; these are the forms of abuse that leave more visible signs. Other types of abuse include financial abuse, healthcare fraud and abuse, financial exploitation, and emotional…

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Kentucky ICU Patients, Beware the Five Frequently Fatal Flaws

In Kentucky hospital intensive care units (ICUs), medical personnel monitor and treat patients with the most severe, life-threatening illnesses and injuries. The doctors and critical care nurses responsible for these patients are highly trained and use state-of-the-art equipment to get their charges through health crises….

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What You Need to Know to Settle a Kentucky Wrongful Death Claim

There is no way that the painful loss of your spouse, your child, or your parent is ever going to be put behind you. Whether it has been a week, a month, or a year since your loved one died, you know that life will…

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Shaken Baby Syndrome in Kentucky: A Little Anger Causes Lots of Damage

Shaken baby syndrome, abusive head trauma, shaken impact syndrome, inflicted head injury, whiplash shake syndrome—all are terms for a momentary loss of self-control that leads to the severe injury or death of an infant or toddler. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), only…

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Caring for Residents With Mental Illness in Kentucky Nursing Homes

We generally think of nursing home residents as elderly people, but people enter Kentucky nursing homes for various reasons. Some are physically disabled; some are aging and no longer able to care for themselves; some are mentally ill; and some have a combination of these…

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Take a Drink, Take the Wheel, Take a Life: Drunk Driving in Kentucky

Driving is a privilege. Drinking alcohol in Kentucky is a legal right that should be governed by a bit of intelligence and a sense of responsibility. So what’s the excuse when someone drives drunk and kills another human being? The Death Toll According to the…

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