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If the Whites of Baby’s Eyes Are Yellow, Get Her to a Kentucky Doctor!

Jaundice is a problem often seen in Kentucky newborns. About 60 percent of babies born in the United States develop jaundice shortly after birth. The yellow that begins in a baby’s skin or tints the whites of his eyes is a warning: Get him to…

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How Do Traumatic and Acquired Brain Injury Differ, Kentucky?

If you asked three people in Kentucky about the difference between traumatic brain injury (TBI) and acquired brain injury (ABI), you would probably get three different answers. Are they the same thing? Is one a form of the other? Are they completely different? It’s time…

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Sepsis: A Serious Risk for Kentucky Nursing Home Residents

There are some infections that are both deadly and preventable. Sepsis may be one of those infections for Kentucky nursing home residents. While not every case of sepsis is preventable, some instances of sepsis may be stopped before it becomes deadly. Thus, it is important…

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Being Alone May Hasten Death in Elderly Kentuckians

Many elderly people in Kentucky say that they want to live in their own home as long as possible, and not go to a nursing home or other assisted living facility. Recent research shows, however, that this may not be the best choice if an…

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When an Inherently Dangerous Kentucky Machine Is Even More Perilous

Each year in the United States, it seems, a different model of car is recalled because some component has failed, causing people to get into crashes. Many of these people are injured; some die. The Response to a Growing Problem Difficulty in notifying consumers about…

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Facial Palsy Can Disfigure an Otherwise Beautiful Kentucky Baby’s Face

You’re becoming acquainted with your infant daughter who was recently born in a Louisville hospital. She’s absolutely beautiful—the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen…except that the right side of her face doesn’t seem to be moving at all when her expression changes on the left….

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