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The Damaging Breath of Life for Kentucky Preemies

When an infant is born in a Kentucky hospital eight or more weeks premature, he or she is at risk for a number of problems. One of these problems, bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), is caused by the very treatment that is used to keep the baby…

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Just One Concussion Can Change the Brain for Life, Kentucky

Kentucky parents go pale when their toddlers hit their heads on a piece of furniture, insist that their kids wear their bike helmets, and say a prayer when a football-playing teenager gets pounded to the ground, bumping a helmet-covered head. A recent study reveals that…

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Getting Cheated by the Kentucky Healthcare Professional You Trust

We tend to respect and have faith in our Kentucky doctors and other medical professionals. In general, they earn this esteem; sometimes, however, our respect and faith are misplaced. Particularly incorrigible are fraud and abuse perpetrated on the elderly in Kentucky nursing homes. Unethical doctors,…

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Do Kentucky Doctors Make the Right Diagnosis of a Fatal Brain Disease?

A fatal brain disease seems to be misdiagnosed more often than not, according to an article on the HealthDay website. A Deadly Disease Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is a rare, degenerative brain disorder that is nearly always fatal within a year of onset. The National Institutes…

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How to Tell if a Louisville Nursing Home Staff Is Using Restraints Illegally

After your elderly father was placed in nursing home restraints, you felt outraged. You were told that the restraints were for his own good, but you’re not so sure. How can you tell if the nursing home staff is using restraints properly? Our Louisville nursing home…

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Be Careful! Don’t Let Your Job Kill You, Kentucky Workers

Each of us goes to our job in Kentucky expecting to return home; not everyone, however, will be so lucky. According to Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA), a total of 4,609 people were killed on the job during 2011; this comes out to nearly…

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