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Life in Kentucky Changes After Severing Your Spinal Cord

Your son has just been in a serious car crash in Louisville. The emergency room personnel say it’s a wonder he even survived because he seems to have a severed spinal cord. What kind of life will he have now? What Is the Spinal Cord?…

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What Exactly Constitutes a Wrongful Death Lawsuit in Kentucky?

What is wrongful death? According to the legal dictionary section of The Free Dictionary, a wrongful death is “the taking of the life of an individual resulting from the willful or negligent act of another person or persons.” Individuals, companies, and government agencies may be…

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Kentucky Brain Injury Victims May Suffer Memory Loss, Visual Problems, and More

If your loved one is rushed to the hospital, you must place their life in someone else’s hands, constantly trusting that others will make the right choices for your family member. But if the staff are not paying close attention during surgery, your loved one…

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Owning Up to Medication Errors in Kentucky

People make mistakes; it’s part of the human condition. Often, mistakes can be corrected without being disclosed, and no harm is done. When medication errors are hidden, though, the consequences can cause a great deal of harm—even death. How Do Medication Errors Occur? A number…

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Elderly People in Kentucky: Do We Value Them or Throw Them Away?

Growing old used to be a positive achievement in the United States. Elders were revered for their wisdom and experience. The younger family or tribal members would listen, rapt, to the elders’ stories and instruction. That was not so long ago. In our current society,…

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What Can You Expect From a Kentucky Nursing Home?

Your father’s physician has recommended that you start looking for a room for your dad in a nearby Louisville nursing home. You have a vague idea of what to expect, but it’s time to become more informed. Nursing homes are funded by Medicare and Medicaid,…

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