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Rehabilitation Is Critical After a Traumatic Brain Injury in Kentucky

Your daughter was just hit in the head with a baseball, and the emergency medical technician suspects a traumatic brain injury. What medical professionals do in the next few hours is crucial to saving your daughter’s life; what they do in the upcoming months may…

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Move-in Day: How to Prevent Kentucky Nursing Home Abuse Neglect Today—and in the Future

For nursing home staff, the day that your parent moves in may be just another work day. They have residents come and go all the time. However, for your family, the day may be very emotional, and it may be a big deal. It may…

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Is Your Kentucky Nursing Home on the Special Focus Facility List?

Nursing homes in Kentucky, as elsewhere, are inspected regularly by representatives of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Generally, a survey or inspection team visits the nursing home once a year to determine whether the facility is providing the quality of care required…

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Computers May Help Kentucky Doctors Reduce Medication Error Rate

Medication errors are expensive, harmful, and sometimes deadly, and they occur far too often. An Institute of Medicine report cited by Right estimates that each year, medication errors cause about 7,000 deaths. A number of factors contribute to medication mistakes—the patient’s memory or vision;…

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Who Inspects Kentucky Nursing Homes, and What Do They Evaluate?

The results of a Kentucky nursing home’s inspection can either attract people to the facility or scare them off. Citations for abuse, negligence, and other indicators of low quality appear online now for anyone to see (thankfully). Who is it that conducts these inspections and…

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When It’s Time to Find a Kentucky Nursing Home for Your Loved One

You’ve been caring for an elderly mother for the last few years, and you’ve been happy to do so. After all, you think to yourself, she took care of you until you were able to go out on your own; taking care of her now…

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