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Tailgating Is More Than Annoying, Kentucky—It’s Dangerous

Courtesy is a necessary component of driving in Kentucky. When driving on a multilane road, the unwritten rule is that slower traffic should drive in the right-hand lane. When two vehicles arrive at a four-way stop at the same time, the vehicle on the right…

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Vitamins and Pet Medications Can Lead to a Kentucky Child’s Drug Injury

As a parent, you have no doubt been terrified by news stories involving children and prescription medication mistakes. These tales are often in the headlines and usually involve a pharmacist dispensing the wrong medication or calculating an improper dosage—but there are other ways children can…

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Malignant Hyperthermia: A Killer You May Have in Your Genes, Kentucky

You receive the phone call from your mother: Your favorite uncle just died while undergoing a common surgical procedure, and the surgeons are not sure why he died. “They just don’t know,” your mother says. “Dr. Markus said it may have been malignant hyperthermia.” What?…

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Was Your Child’s Cerebral Palsy Caused at Birth or During Pregnancy?

You may have read about cerebral palsy while you were pregnant, but you never thought it could happen to your baby. After all, it’s caused by prolonged labor or delivery problems, and you didn’t suffer either one. So how did your baby come to suffer…

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Why Going to the ER after a Louisville Brain Injury May Not Cure Your Condition

You woke up in the emergency room after an accident—scared, hurting, but lucky to be alive. You were told that you suffered a mild traumatic brain injury, which sounds worse than it really is. When you went home a few hours later with nothing more…

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Kentucky Children With Cerebral Palsy: One Foot May Help the Other

Cerebral palsy (CP) tends to affect one side of the body more than the other. With one strong and one weak foot and leg, children may have difficulty walking because of their condition. Now, as described in The Puyallup Herald, a device that sends electrical…

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