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Sometimes Kentucky Nursing Home Residents Abuse Each Other

When the topic of Kentucky nursing home abuse comes up, people generally think of residents being abused by caregivers in the nursing home. This is not the only scenario, however. Resident-to-resident aggression (RRA) is evidently common in nursing homes. According to the National Center for…

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Kentucky Heart Patients, Beware of Medication Errors After Hospital Discharge

A new study finds that about 50 percent of cardiac patients experience medication errors once they are discharged from the hospital, up from previous estimates of 20 percent. Even when patients have personalized assistance from a pharmacist, including follow-up, errors occur. About the Study The…

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Take My Breath Away—Not a Romantic Concept for the Brain, Kentucky

As I’m sure all Kentuckians are aware, breathing is the most essential of the human body’s needs. Humans can survive for about a month without food—longer or shorter periods if one is over- or underweight to begin with. We can live about a week without…

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Kentucky Children With Cerebral Palsy: One Foot May Help the Other

Cerebral palsy (CP) tends to affect one side of the body more than the other. With one strong and one weak foot and leg, children may have difficulty walking because of their condition. Now, as described in The Puyallup Herald, a device that sends electrical…

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Tightening Up: Contractures in Kentucky Nursing Home Residents

Most elderly people in Kentucky nursing homes have limited mobility; many are even bedridden. When joints experience little to no movement, they begin to stiffen. Gradually, the hands, feet, legs, or arms begin to pull in toward the body. This condition is known as contractures….

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Taking Pot on the Road—Legal or Not, It Will Impair Driving, Kentucky

Public outcry about serious or fatal crashes caused by drivers under the influence of alcohol led to strict drunk driving laws. Because even small amounts of alcohol cause impaired judgment and slowed reflexes, drivers whose blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is above the legal limit may…

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