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What Kind of Person Would Do That?! Abusers in Kentucky Nursing Homes

We hear about it on the radio, see it in our Louisville newspapers, and shake our heads at the shocking YouTube videos: abuse of the elderly in nursing homes. Along with the outrage we feel there is apprehension because there’s a good chance the day…

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Looking for a Safe New Car? Check These Out, Kentucky

If you are considering buying a new car, you’re probably considering a number of attributes: cost, gas mileage, passenger capacity, and (let’s be honest) style and color. Does a car’s safety rating figure into your equation? According to U.S. News & World Report, 40 new…

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A Clavicle Fracture Doesn’t Feel “Minor.” Get the Facts on This Common Crash Injury

You know that your car accident could have been much worse. You’re trying to look on the bright side—after all, you’re alive, and mostly uninjured—but your fractured collarbone doesn’t feel like a “lucky escape.” It hurts. It hurts to move, when you sleep, and even…

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How to Recognize Abuse in a Kentucky Nursing Home Resident

Your mother doesn’t have a black eye; but she has unexplained bruises. She doesn’t seem completely withdrawn; yet there is a noticeable change in her. Could she be the victim of nursing home abuse or neglect in Kentucky, or would the signs of such abuse…

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5 Ways to Build Your Case after an Elderly Medication Error in Kentucky

If you have an aging parent, you’re probably worried about what can happen to him while you’re not around. You have put safeguards in place at home—such as shower rails to prevent slipping and a beeper to call for help—but he may be even more…

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3 Things You Shouldn’t Do after Suffering Nursing Home Abuse in Kentucky

Everyone seems to want your loved one to do something if she has been hurt by nursing home abuse or negligence in Kentucky. You, and her other relatives, likely want her to take certain actions to protect her physical, financial, and emotional well-being. The state…

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