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How to Get Your Loved One to Tell Her Horrifying Story of Kentucky Nursing Home Abuse

It isn’t easy to talk about being a victim. It isn’t easy to look someone in the face and tell them about the horrible things that were done to you. Your parent understandably wants to maintain her dignity and avoid embarrassment. You can help her…

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Three Different Kinds of Cerebral Palsy Your Child May Have Suffered at Birth in KY

When your child was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at birth in Kentucky, you probably wondered how such a thing could have happened. Now that you have had time to cope with the news, you have only one concern: how can I help my child to have…

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Be Thankful, Kentucky Mother, That Your Baby Has Erb’s Palsy

“Mrs. Fitzgerald, you can relax: your baby has Erb’s palsy.” What?! Why on earth would you be relieved if your doctor says your baby has Erb’s palsy? Isn’t it like cerebral palsy? Well, no, and that’s why he thinks you should be glad. Understanding the…

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Help or Harm? Doctors’ Use of Forceps to Deliver Babies in Kentucky

Birth is a natural process. Most living creatures give birth with no assistance, but humans are different. Humans have a variety of devices and procedures to help in the birth process: forceps, vacuum extractors, labor-inducing drugs, and cesarean section, to name a few. These aids…

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Stay Away! Preventing the Spread of Flu in Kentucky Nursing Homes

As we’ve been reading and hearing through the media, the flu this year started earlier and has been harsher than usual. Given the rapidity with which the virus spreads, the most likely places to pick up the flu are settings with large numbers of people,…

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It is Possible to Get the Answers You Need to Your Kentucky Nursing Home Abuse Questions Now

When the unthinkable has happened to someone whom you love, you understandably want answers and you want them quickly. If you have recently found out that your parent, spouse, or other loved one, was abused in a Kentucky nursing home, then you may be eager…

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