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Surgical Anesthesia May Cause Brain Damage and Death in KY Hospitals

Before you underwent surgery, you probably met with the anesthesiologist who would be taking care of you while you were unconscious. He explained the risks of Louisville anesthesia brain injury while you listened nervously, wondering if all those words like “slight chance” and “in rare cases”…

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Dead Serious Facts, Kentucky: Statistics on Death From Surgical Errors

Most of us in Kentucky have probably seen a cartoon or comic strip in which a surgeon frantically searches for his wristwatch, only to discover on an X-ray that he left it in the patient. We laughed, of course, or perhaps just shook our heads…

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Kentucky For-Profit Nursing Homes—Do Patients or Profits Matter More?

A for-profit business has to make money to stay afloat; there’s nothing surprising about that. But when that for-profit business is a nursing home and that nursing home short-changes its residents so that it can make more money, this is wrong. According to, a…

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Looking for a Nursing Home, Kentucky? See Which Are on the Honor Roll

In 1996, Dr. Edward C. “Terry” Watters became concerned about one of his patients who lived in a Maryland nursing home. He had been treating her for a sight-threatening condition, which seemed to be getting worse since his previous visit. Dr. Watters checked her chart…

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Look for These Symptoms if You Were in a Kentucky Car Accident While Pregnant

You were driving extremely carefully. You stowed your cell phone and made sure your lights were working properly. You know that your Kentucky car accident wasn’t your fault, but that’s not what’s bothering you. You are worried because you’re pregnant, and it is your baby…

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Can We Learn From Arizona How to Treat Kentucky Alzheimer’s Patients?

A 2011 article in The New York Times described a nursing home in Phoenix, Arizona, with a different take on Alzheimer’s patients: They are people—individuals—with food preferences, interests, and things that make them happy. Rather than trying to fit all the square, triangular, and oval-shaped…

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