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Kentucky, Prepare for Cars That Talk to Each Other and Park Themselves

The future is now—or at least, soon. The New York Daily News reported last month on some startling innovations in automobile safety systems that are being tested in Japan.  Toyota Motor Corp.’s Managing Officer Moritaka Yoshida said that the way to ensure future car safety…

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Kentucky Board of Pharmacy Presents New Controlled Substance Rules

You have probably heard a story about pharmacy staff taking unauthorized drugs from the shelves. Sometimes these stories involve personal use, and sometimes the staff are selling these drugs for personal gain.  Whatever the cause, these practices are highly illegal—and the Kentucky Board of Pharmacy…

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Finding the Right Louisville Nursing Home for Your Parent with Dementia

You’ve always known your parent to be independent, rational and full of life. Slowly, dementia has taken those qualities away from your parent, and together with your parent’s doctors, your family has decided that the time has come to select a Kentucky nursing home for…

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Here a Pill, There a Pill: Understanding Pharmacy Errors in Kentucky

A few years ago, ABC News televised “Pharmacy Errors: Unreported Epidemic?”, an investigative program it had conducted on pharmacy errors in the United States. A huge television audience watched and listened in horror as the mother of an eight-year-old girl told of how she had…

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Inadequate Staffing in Nursing Homes: A Life-and-Death Issue, Kentucky

Businesses in Kentucky do a better job if they have enough employees to do the jobs required in a satisfactory manner—this seems like so much common sense. The repercussions of having insufficient staff include employees with short tempers, jobs being done shoddily or not at…

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Are You Sure Your Elderly Parent Needs a Kentucky Nursing Home?

Grown children cannot always provide the increasing care that their elderly parents may require. And care is not the only consideration: elderly people need social and activity opportunities.  Fortunately, options exist for varying levels of housing and assistance. explores the following choices available to…

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