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Are You Sure Your Elderly Parent Needs a Kentucky Nursing Home?

Grown children cannot always provide the increasing care that their elderly parents may require. And care is not the only consideration: elderly people need social and activity opportunities.  Fortunately, options exist for varying levels of housing and assistance. explores the following choices available to…

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What to Expect the First Time You Visit a Loved One in a Louisville Nursing Home

The decisions have been made. You, your loved one, your family, and your loved one’s doctors decided that it was time for your loved one to enter a Louisville nursing home. You researched nursing homes and found the one that you felt was the best…

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It’s a No-Brainer, Kentucky: Diagnosing Traumatic Brain Injury Early

Traumatic brain injury, or TBI, can lead to permanent disability or even death. In the United States, about 1.7 million people each year suffer a TBI, and TBI contributes to nearly one-third of the injury-related deaths in this country. According to the Centers for Disease…

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Managing the Care of Your Loved One in a Kentucky Nursing Home

You did your homework: you researched local Kentucky nursing homes online, you visited them, you asked people you know whether they have had any experience with local nursing homes, and you found one that sounds perfect for your mother. Whew! Now your work is done,…

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Kentucky Nursing Home Residents Have Specific Rights—Per U.S. Law

If you’ve visited someone in a Kentucky nursing home and thought the residents were patronized or treated like prison inmates, you should know that a law exists that clearly states their rights. Essentially, it reaffirms their rights as citizens of this great country.  The U.S….

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What to Look for When You Visit a Loved One in a Louisville Nursing Home This Holiday Season

The decorations are up and the lights are shining. As you enter the nursing home where your loved one resides, there is no doubt that it is the Christmas season. Unfortunately, that does not always mean that there is Christmas cheer or even basic safety…

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