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Do You Know What Constitutes Medical Malpractice, Kentucky?

You’ve probably read in your Louisville newspaper or heard on TV or radio about people suing doctors or hospitals for “medical malpractice.” The term seems to imply that a medical professional did something deliberately to harm someone, but that is rarely the case. Medical malpractice…

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“I’ve Fallen, and I Can’t Get Up!”—It’s Not Funny, Kentucky

Falls by Kentucky elderly people in hospitals or nursing homes are definitely not funny. When elderly people fall, they are much more likely to break bones, particularly hips, than are younger people. As we age, our bones weaken and are more prone to osteoporosis, increasing…

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Medication Errors Decrease When Quality of Nurses’ Environment Increases

The greatest shame of medication errors in Kentucky hospitals is that they can be prevented. Increasing evidence indicates that nurses who work in a positive environment catch medication errors frequently before they can harm patients. Survey Shows… described the latest study supporting this theory,…

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Learn About NuvaRing, Kentucky: Product, Problems, and Prosecution

More than 1,000 lawsuits have been brought against the contraceptive device NuvaRing, but as of yet there is no class action suit in the works. Women in Kentucky who have used this birth-control method and suffered the consequences should contact a lawyer immediately. What Is…

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How to Begin a Kentucky Personal Injury Lawsuit

You have been injured in Kentucky—perhaps permanently disabled—because of someone else’s actions or inaction. You find yourself with a mountain of associated medical and physical therapy bills, and there is no end in sight. The accident was not your fault, and yet you are paying…

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Avoiding the Need to Go Back for More Back Surgery in Kentucky

Having a healthy back is something that most of us in Kentucky take for granted. The occasional muscle pull makes one realize just how much we depend on our backs and take painlessness for granted. If you have chronic back pain due to a ruptured…

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