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Kentucky, Be Aware: Lyme Disease Is Frequently Misdiagnosed

Summer and autumn are the times when we can shake off our stress and enjoy the beauty of the outdoors, whether right here in Kentucky or wherever we visit friends and family in the United States. Unfortunately, a hidden danger exists out there that you…

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Back to School in Kentucky Means Extra Caution, Drivers

It’s September, and school is back in session in Kentucky. School buses are out on the roads, and kids are crossing streets—not always walking, and not always in a crosswalk. Last year, there were 1,627 school bus–related accidents, which resulted in 506 injuries and five…

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Retained Objects in Surgery Lead to Kentucky Medical Malpractice Cases

It’s a frightening experience to put your life in a surgeon’s hands. You are trusting him to perform a complex procedure while you are asleep, and you can only hope that he is a competent professional. But many patients awake to find that while their…

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“When You Need to Take Your Medicine, Go See the School Nurse—oops, Gym Teacher”

Once upon a time, virtually every school in Kentucky had a school nurse—not anymore. With increasing budgetary constraints, many schools have had to lay off their on-site nurses. Now these schools either have no nurse at all or have to share one with other schools…

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How Motorcycle Helmet Laws Affect Personal Injury Claims (Part A)

Motorcycle and bicycle accident claims are usually far more serious than car accident claims. This is because the injuries are generally much more severe as a result less protection from the accident. It’s not that being in a car or similar vehicle is always safer,…

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How Motorcycle Helmet Laws Affect Personal Injury Claims (Part B)

When Motorcycle Helmet Laws Are Not Followed  If you are on a motorcycle without a helmet, it may be difficult to fight for your claim. If you were not following helmet laws, that will be the defendant’s first line of attack on your lawsuit claim….

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